Saturday, April 30, 2016


RIO DE JANEIRO: Power cuts, faulty spotlights, overheated swimming pools and insufficient air
conditioning were among the problems plaguing key test runs at the Rio Olympics facilities, highlighting persistent challenges three months before opening day.
But the international gymnastics, swimming and shooting sports federations, along with the Rio 2016 organising committee, insist that the test events "went well overall," and that everything will be ready for the Games.

Sunday, April 24, 2016




새로 결혼 한 몇 농담 세계

개가 갑자기 그들을 향해 달려 물린 위협 할 때 새로 결혼 한 부부는 산책을했다. 그들은 둘 다 그들 물린 것이다라는 것을 알고 있었다. 그런 다음 남편은 대신 그에게 물어 수 있도록 아내 해제. 개는, 전에 중지 짖었다 잠시 동안 짖었다 뒤로 도망 떠났다.

남편은 그녀를 너무 보호되고 그녀 키스 포옹을 기대 아내 내려 놔. 하지만 그 대신, 아내 나는 사람들이 돌과 막대기를 던지고 있지만 내가 에 그의 아내를 던져하려고 사람을보고하고 처음 보았다 ", 소리 쳤다!




joking world of newly married couple

A newly married couple was taking a walk when a dog suddenly ran towards them and threatened to bite. They both knew it would bite them. Then the husband lifted the wife up to let the dog bite him instead. The dog stopped before them, barked and barked for a while and ran backwards and left them.

The husband put the wife down expecting a kiss or a hug from her for being so protective of her. But instead, the wife shouted, "I have seen people throwing stones and sticks at dogs but this is the first time I am seeing someone trying to throw his wife at a dog!"







あなたは文字の結婚なら、あなたはLOVELY HOMEを持っているでしょう

오늘 아침에이 메시지를 받았습니다! 집에서 모든 젊은 아가씨에 경고!

삶에 대해 진정한 사실 :

당신은 POWER 위해 결혼 경우, 당신은 혼란 있을 것입니다.

당신이 직업에 결혼 할 경우, 당신은 외로운 것입니다.

당신이 WEALTH을 위해 결혼 경우, 당신은 비참 할 것이다.

당신이 반했다 OUT 결혼 경우, 당신은 그것을 후회합니다.

당신이 캐릭터를 위해 결혼을한다면, 당신은 LOVELY HOME있을 것입니다

사랑 결혼에 대한 유일하고 진정한 품질입니다.

I Got This Message This Morning!! Warning To Every Young Lady In The House!

True Facts About LIfe

IF you marry for POWER, you would have chaotic Home.

IF you marry for PROFESSION, you would be Lonely.

IF you marry for WEALTH, you would be Miserable.

IF you marry OUT OF INFATUATION, you would Regret It.

BUT IF you marry for CHARACTER, you would have a LOVELY HOME

LOVE is the only true Quality for MA